Friday, November 16, 2007

Because I'm Crazy!

Crazy: Near my house, there is an intersection with a Starbucks on every corner, so 4 Starbucks within about 500 feet.

Crazier: All of them have a line almost out the door at 7:30 a.m.

Craziest: I'll spend $4.35 on a fancy, sugared-up cup of coffee. Regularly.

I<3 peppermint mochas!


Candice P.J. said...

hi! I've quit coffee... I realized I was spending about 30 bucks a week and gaining about 30 lbs a day... I only drink tea now.

Katherine said...

Have you been to Teavana in the Mission Viejo Mall? They have the best tea!!

Jaime said...

I'm a sucker for the pumpkin spice latte but in an effort to save money have began purchasing the pumpkin spice beans at Hell-Mart, freezing them and returning to grind as needed throughout the year to have my fix. ;)

The line does sound insane in and out of starbucks!

Katherine said...

Thankfully, we just got one of those new, individual cup of coffee machines at work, so I can throw some candy cane and hot cocoa mix in there and almost have the same feeling. Although, I only crave peppermint mocha at Christmas...Starbucks usually carries it year round, but a peppermint mocha in March or August is just wrong.