Thursday, March 20, 2008

Really, You Should be Required to Have a License to Procreate.

(I'm on a roll, two posts in one day!!)

In my friend's son's class is a boy named Christian. They go to Christian's birthday party, and his dad at one point says, "Atticus, come here please!"
My friend asks, "Who's Atticus?"
The dad says, "Him", indicating the boy they knew as Christian.
My friend says, "Oh, I thought his name was Christian!"
Dad, in kind of a disgusted tone, "Oh that's what his MOTHER calls him. I call him Atticus. But his legal name is Hans."

This was Hans-Christian-Atticus's 6th birthday party. Apparently, they couldn't decide on a name, picked Hans, each used their preferred name. In pre-school, he went by Atticus, in Kindergarten, Christian.

And the kicker? His parents are still married. For now.

7 Random Things

Jamie at Mom Around the Clock tagged me!

Here's my facts, but I don't have anyone I'd want to tag right now!

1. I don't like drinking directly out of glass glasses. I'm terrified of them breaking in my mouth.
2. I like raw potatoes.
3. I really hate wearing socks.
4. Even though I totally love my dog and wouldn't give him up now, I still kind of wish we'd never got a dog
5. I'm very particular about how the groceries get put away, so I usually insist on doing it.
6. I can't stand nail polish on my fingers, and can't stand not to have it on my toes.
7. I don't think make up is worth the bother 90% of the time, so I don't wear any.